
Former feral farmgirl in London, currently roaming around rubber forests in Southeast Asia


Independent researcher, writer (poet/novelist/occasional art journalist), translator (JP<EN<>FI, now mainly focusing on the works of Terayama Shuuji) & cultural producer


Project lead for ‘Rubber Dreams of its Lifetime’, a research-based art project exploring the natural rubber industry in Southeast Asia as a microcosm of the global economy of desire.

Together with director Bart Seng Wen Long and local collaborators in SEA, we are producing a medium-length film titled ‘Heveaphilia’ as well as a constellation of cinematic, photographic & literary works. We plan to exhibit these works in multiple locations from 2026 onwards; more details TBA.




Archives of published writing

Fiction & poetry


events produced & programmed

Pastoral: To Die in the Country (50th Anniversary) - special screening & performance, ICA (June 2024)

Breathing Underwater, Reference Point (May 2023)